Archive for May, 2021

Compare and contrast. 

Posted: May 13, 2021 in Uncategorized

Here’s the famous Disappearing Palestinian territory map.

Now where is the contrast?

There is none, yet there are good replies to it:

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

A new meme will point out that Israel has suffered longer.

The disappearance of Judea\Israel.

It’s a new meme to show Israel disappeared too! 

What was feminism about?

It was about elevating women to the level of men. It was about the rightful acquisition of rights that men enjoyed. It was about gaining choices and opportunities for women.

All very laudable things to acheive. 

They insisted that there was no difference between men and women. That their brains held no differences and that gender stereotypes were very harmful and that women could do male things. They argued for this to be in law and applied in society.

So when they got all this into law it must have been a great day

….and then men (as transwomen) started taking over the feminist discourse and entered previously female-only spaces, since the end game of all this should allow that to happen. [Logically -If women can do what men do, then men can do what women do!] were these feminists shouting that they have finally achieved their aims?

It doesn’t seem so! They are actually fuming about it! 

They’ve even caused a civil war in feminism!

There are Trans friendly feminists fighting with sex-based rights feminists!

Men,as Trans women are now said to be better at being a woman than actual women! 

and so these feminists in the forefront of that cause for equality are now saying, “but but but You’re Men in our spaces! You can’t do this!”

But they can! You’ve campaigned for equality! You’ve campaigned for equal rights in all areas.

 and tho’ you didn’t expect it….youve undermined your own cause!

You didn’t think that would be the outcome, yet it is exactly that!

and what of the men they once opposed, many are now trans women that just flutter their eyelashes, click their heels

And reply “Equality ladies….This is what you wanted…..this is what you’ve got!” 

Own it girlfriend! 😀

Devils advocate blog. 

Do definitions matter?

Posted: May 1, 2021 in Uncategorized

Do definitions matter? 

I’m sure you’d say- Yes.

Do you know what Apple means? Yes.

Do you know what Orange means? Yes. Okay.

So, if I send you out to the shop to buy only 6 apples and you are given by the Shopkeeper a bag of 2 apples, 2 oranges and 2 oranges, with their skins wrapped with Apple skins, would you buy them? 

No.. You’d ask…where are the other four apples?  This is because you know what an Apple is, due to knowledge of the definitions.

If the shopkeeper said that apples now includes oranges, what would you say? 

You’d tell them that they were wrong. No amount of twisting would get you to accept that an Apple is also an Orange or that an Orange is an Apple.

Yet why do we allow people to say Trans women are women? 

The prefix shows us that they aren’t women. In the sentence that is used to say they are women is the very prefix that tells you that they aren’t! They are like women, almost women-like, neo-women and similar to women, yet not Women.

Woman is Adult. Human. Female. A biological reality. 

Trans women are Trans women makes more sense. I, as a devil’s advocate, have made a case for trans women to be trans women. Trans liberation is for them to be seen and accepted as Trans. 

Trans women activists think trans liberation is met by vanishing trans within woman. It’s erasure by other kinds of wordplay.

Many people think they are wrong!