00 A0 TopList tweeters.

Posted: August 31, 2023 in Uncategorized

A partial list of the 178 members of a Private Twitter List that I follow.

All good content.



































It’s reached the “boring me senseless” level. You read tweets and posts and they are all correct, then you like, then you share, you say the same old tnings, you pat those who you agree with on the back, you get a pat upon the back for trotting out the same thing and it’s repeated daily, weekly & monthly. On and on and on.

Just like the Atheism circle jerk, where you create a meme and it gets retweeted, only for it to be saved on Pinterest, then to be shared on Instagram then to be posted on Facebook, then to Redddit, and then finally back onto Twitter.

I try to resist posting about it now.

Jaded by its repetition 

Yes, Trans women aren’t women. Yes, woman are adult human females. Yes, transitioning of the under 18s is awful and wrong. Yes, the LGB should divorce itself from the TQAAINBFK2S++ rest of the RainbowWordSaladAlphabet People. Yes, only biological women should play sport against other biological women and so on and on. 

Fight the good fight. I’m supportive, yet go on without me. I’m mentally exhausted by it all.
That’s my thinking. 

I’ve joined Mastodon.

Posted: January 17, 2023 in Uncategorized

Yup. I’ve decided to join this newer app for all the Lefties that left Twitter.

Just curious to see how it works out. A while back I joined GETTR, the place where all the Trumper religious right ppl went, yet apart from the first week or so, it has been extremely boring as an app and now (I predict) I’ve joined the exact opposite of it!

Same name. Yet the content may be more muted and not so often. I hope to meet a few followers of my Twitter account on there. 

Will it be a beast or another sleepy cat yawnfest!?

First suspension.

Posted: November 18, 2022 in Uncategorized

Ah well, it had to happen at some point. I have been suspended for (hopefully) 12 hours by Twitter. 

And of course it was for my opinions. Was it religion? No. Was it politics? No. Was it hate? No. It was just staying that trans (Yes, trans!) is all in the mind. & I said there’s been “an explosion of trans”, meaning that the ideology has infiltrated everywhere. It’s no longer just a minority of ppl with issues about who they are, it’s now an industry, a wagon that has been jumped upon by various types of ppl with many agendas.

And it’s factual to say that ppl who think they are “in the wrong body” are deluded. They have a mental disorder. How can It not be one? The thinking that one is a gendered soul isn’t in the spleen, liver or heart. It’s in the head, the brain, the mind.

I haven’t been suspended since coming in the platform in Aug\Sept 2012. And Musk is supposed to have made it a place of Free Speech again! 

I admit that I broke the Rules, yet the rules have been created by ppl who dislike uncomfortable truths. 

I hope I get back(I did), yet I will probably tone down some of my stronger beliefs, when I get back full access, just to get the thrust of my thinking out there. Trans is a Hot Topic and one will get burned occasionally.
Maybe if I start identifying as Asbestos, then i might get around it? 

Gender WhatWhat!!

Posted: November 20, 2021 in Uncategorized

On the subject of gender identity and gender critical. 

I find that I’m at odds with both camps.

With the former, I don’t agree that your sexual identity \biological status should limit what you can do, yet I’m also of the opinion about the latter that gender roles are important. 

So, in my mind Trans women are biological men and can’t be biological women and women and men can do each other’s jobs if possible and able, yet I do also think traditional stereotypes and gender roles are important. Women do housework, while the man goes out to do factory work, to support them.

Tad confuddled perhaps…yet you can’t write off many centuries of the way things have been and are being done. 

I like and support the Catholic Traditionalist women who extoll the housewife ethic, supporting husband and children and the cottagecore movement. 

I like and support those who oppose the mantra TWAreW.

I like the idea of the nuclear family.

I’m not so much for radical lesbian feminists who are scathing of all things men.

I believe that the intersectional feminists by insisting that there is no such thing as a fixed female or fixed male brain opened up the possibility that men could be seen as women.The trans ideology is very much a continuation of that chain of thought. Since there is no fixed male or female brain, then men who think they are female can become and be women. They actually brought about the very thing they were fighting against. Male (as Trans women) domination of the female space. 

I’m not so much for some atheist liberals who have pronouns in their bios and are ideological in their trans ally stance. They support the idea of sidelining women and ‘Gendered souls’.

Godless_Mom unfollowed me!

Posted: November 11, 2021 in Uncategorized

“When They Go woke, then they unfollow me!”

I’ve been a long time follower of GM. I’ve liked her content for a long time. I’ve appreciated her following me and her convos and RTs. Over many YEARS! I’ve retweeted her many, many times.


It seems (guessing here)that my criticism of various topics such as the mantra of ‘TWAreW’, the chalk and cheese\seemingly cantankerous discussions with GE_Kaitlyn(Wokeist and cantankerous liberal, wife of Godless_Engineer), my anti pronouns in bio stance and refusal to accept the Woke ‘Gendered Souls’ ideology, is now too much and she’s unfollowed, with no thought to explain why. (I don’t mind pro or con feedback!)

Now, she might have been tidying up.who she follows, as I am doing, yet I don’t think that’s the reason. Even since I took sides with Michael Sherlock (A Blunt and Belligerent Anti-Woke atheist), over the situation that I call the Battle between the Atheist Orgs, I think this has been on the cards.

She is a full on “pronouns in bio. BLM organization supporting Trans\Alphabet soup (after LGB) woke” advocate. As seen on Mastodon app. I can’t believe that she claims she’s an atheist as well as supporting the belief that humans have gendered souls! BLM, the organization, has been shown to be a mansion house-buying anti-family, neo-Marxist group. So why continue following it?

Bit sad at all this, yet…..that’s the way it is.

The WokeAtheist vs Centrist Atheist schism is real! 

I’m unfollowing more accounts.

Posted: November 11, 2021 in Uncategorized

The Twitter Following purge I’m conducting is going really well. I’m under 1,800 already. I used to follow 17,800 accounts. I now follow 1,735.

Why am I unfollowing so many accounts?

Twitter has messed me around. I spent years trying to get to the 18k followers, which was a prediction by Twitter analytics. All was going well till 2016. Then it seems I hit a brickwall. Where previously I’d have numerous followers per week, a river of newbies, It quickly went into a trickle. Other accounts have also seen this occur. Atheist accounts that zoomed up to 20k, just juddered to a halt. None could gather the following that they had before. Where previously followers numbers were on a steady climb, it was now going upwards in a slow tentative way.

Twitter obviously crippled many accounts and I was one of them!  Algorithms have seemingly held me back, so I’m no longer doing the follow\followback. I’m dropping my Following list to the bare minimum, to those who followback, reply daily and who could be called “My Regulars” and I’m going to set new strict guidelines for myself. My followers will have to meet my new criterion for me following them and then hopefully, I’ll be only tweeting those ppl. Some interesting bigger accounts that never follow back will be added to Private Twitter Lists.

To be unfollowed:

I’m now unfollowing all those accounts with pronouns he\him, she\her they\them etc You’ve proven yourself captured by woke ideology.

I’m now unfollowing all those accounts with #BLM in their bios.Of course black lives do matter and I support that, I just feel that the Organization BLM is Marxist and anyone supporting them has now bought into the ideology that I’d be no longer happy to support\be interested in following.

I’m done with anyone belonging to American Atheists. Most seem to be woke. I’ll think I’ll only concentrate upon British Atheists.

Any account that supports the organization Stonewall will also be unfollowed. It’s proven to be captured by wokeism.

Any account that’s an avowed nazi\Hitlerite, fascist, communist, (Leninist, Trotskyist), anarchist or neo-Marxist(see above), will be unfollowed. Traditionalists, even Catholic Trads will still be followed. Find them interesting and such a contrast to the wokeists. Certain ruralistic anarchists\Socialist agrarian will be followed still.

Any account that is tweeting 90% pro-Trump, unfollowed. To me He was unfit to be president, so those that love him and still bang on and on and on about him being so great, day in day out, is a bit much.

Any account that is tweeting 90% anti-Trump, I’ll have to unfollow them too. Totally boring now. Move on.

Any account under 250 followers, I’ll definitely unfollow too!

Any account under 1,000 followers, with a few exceptions*, I’ll unfollow.

* The exceptions are my Regulars. Aka People who I interact on a daily basis with or who provide valuable information or insight on the things I tweet about. Anyone over 925 might not be unfollowed as hopefully they will reach 1,000 fairly soon. 

I may unfollow accounts with under 2,500 followers in the future. Depending on how my list looks in January, 2023.

I may at one point start to only follow accounts that have 5,000 followers and above.

I also think that Twitter manipulates the Following list, since I have gone through it several times and I’m still finding accts that I would have unfollowed, since they stopped tweeting ages ago. I reckon i don’t see the full list (I’ve never counted) as it scrolls down. So is like to get to a point where the list is accurate to who is on there and they Are the accounts that I want on there!

If Twitter auto follows accounts “on my behalf ” then it’s going to be a constant struggle.

Any account that hasn’t tweeted since August, 2021…will also be  unfollowed. Only certain accts might escape this.

Any account that only likes things, yet hasn’t written a tweet for a long time will be unfollowed. I’d like engagement on my Twitter.

This had to be done as I approached the 10th year on Twitter. Anniversary in August\September. 

New target for following is 1,700. If those I unfollow see this and then unfollow me….I’ll just point out that I am listing you on private Twitter lists, which will mean I see your tweets much more often. Since unfollowing all those accounts, I am now seeing ppl that I haven’t seen for a very long time. Basically, by unfollowing you, I’ll see your tweets!

So don’t unfollow me, unless you’re doing the same, perhaps?

I follow too many channels on YouTube.

I need to bring it under control.


1- old accounts that haven’t uploaded in over 2 years, I’ll unsubscribe from. I’ll list them here if they have anything of use.

2- accounts that have less than 100 subscribers, I’ll unsubscribe. I’ll list them here if they have anything of use.have

The Useful List. Still subscribed.

Forgotten Weapons.


Adoration of the Cross.

The List of the unsubscribed.

I wake up and in the moments between waking up and getting up, I go on Twitter, just to have a looksee on what’s going on and I end up following a thread, which leads me to look at a list of people, who someone in the thread is following, which brings my attention to someone who has blocked me.

@JoshDenny blocked you

it says.

Okay, who the f’ck is Josh Denny and why did he block me? is the question to myself, as this account has a blue Twitter check mark against his name.

So here I am again typing the one way to find out who this moronic person is. All people are moronic, if they’ve blocked me, cos I’m not out to piss anyone off on Twitter, I just ask questions and if those questions cause me to be blocked, it’s YOU that’s the problem, b’cos YOU couldn’t answer them or those questions caused THEM to think outside the box for a moment and THEY didn’t like the relevance or the conclusion!

Most people who block me are either the religious, the far left blue\pink haired woke CRT\Trans Ideology\Censorious PC advocates, namby-pamby illiberal liberals, anti-vaxxers or the occasional white nationalist.

I’m not sure about where Josh Denny is on that, but we will find out.

We type out http://www.twitter.com/JoshDenny and let the link go live, avoiding his TwitterBlock and look at the evidence from his tweets to see what he is about.

So, update

He’s an anti-vax comedian that thinks covid is “just lingering flu” . He’s Not As funny as he thinks he is and for someone who obviously wants more retweets, it’s a bit puzzling why he’s blocked me. I’d give him the time of day for retweeting his views, (just for people to rip him a new one, I guess.)

Conclusion -Still don’t really know\care who he is and it’s no loss to me that he’s blocked me. 

Compare and contrast. 

Posted: May 13, 2021 in Uncategorized

Here’s the famous Disappearing Palestinian territory map.

Now where is the contrast?

There is none, yet there are good replies to it:

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

A new meme will point out that Israel has suffered longer.

The disappearance of Judea\Israel.

It’s a new meme to show Israel disappeared too!