Archive for January, 2014




Let me get this straight-
God(Absolute creator of Time/Space & The Universe) has a garden with just TWO people in it! (Couldn’t he make anymore after the Billions of Stars?)
They eat the fruit of a nasty tree & Shazam!-Here come the bad times!


My Thoughts-
Er…Where did He make Adam?,coz he moved Adam TO this garden.1st mistake.
God also(& he must have known this,being All-knowing) allows a Talking snake in,who persuades innocent Eve,who can’t differentiate between good & bad ideas,(cos she hasn’t eaten the Fruit yet!) to eat the Fruit!


The Fruit ?(Doesn’t say apple,could be a fig)
Um,’s the deal with this serpent,well its only a fallen angel with a grudge,thus proving even an Absolutely Perfect God can’t please everyone! Aye?Say that again!
            Anyway,Gods injunction of ‘Do not take the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge or you will die’ is broken–& therefore Boo hoo & Doom  for the rest of Humanity…WTF?How does that work?


1-Why,if God is perfectly good,did he create a tree that gave knowledge of Evil?
2-Why did he ask Adam to tend the exact same garden in which this hideous tree is located?
3-Why is the fruit good to eat & how did the serpent know this,let alone Eve?
4-⭐question here– If God is all-knowing & thus knows in advance that Adam & Eve will eat the fruit,why does he bother to tell them not to?
5-Knowing that they are going to eat it & being all-powerful- why not move the Tree,or destroy it or move it to the highest,inaccessible mountain?


6-The Serpent/Devil is a creation of God.Who has responsibility for this entire story?
7-If Adam was ignorant of the difference between right & wrong,why is he punished?


8-If he did the crime,why should others pay for it?
9-Why,if God is all-powerful,is he less able to persuade Adam & Eve than the Serpent/Devil?
10-God said Adam would would die on the day he ate the fruit,but he lived another 930 years,the Serpent/Devil assured Eve that they wouldn’t.Who should the First Couple trust after- the God or the Serpent/Devil?
11-Who is the real cause & therefore the guilty one,in the Garden of Eden?
~my answer to 11 is God.
Well,i believe the whole thing is set up to make Mankind carry guilt for wrongdoing-
Who wants that? 1-The Devil..well maybe…,cos he’s jealous of Gods creation,but..doesn’t god know this & would watch out for any attempt to discredit humanity?So,carrying this out and being successful means he’s being allowed to get away with it!
                               2-Adam & Eve…but why would they want to carry sin for themselves & their offspring ?They are the victims.
                                3-Jesus..,Huh?!! Why do I mention Jesus? he doesn’t appear till Bible,part 2…Sorry,you are wrong! God walks around the Garden of Eden…look it up..
& Gods earthly avatar is…yup, Jesus..and Jesus wants to sit at the Right hand of God,but can’t get into Heaven unless he does he get around this?…He has to make himself useful as a sacrifice for Adams mistake,but Adam has to mess things up first..

“Job done” said Jesus(Who is also God & Holy Spirit) taking off the serpent disguise……

” more thing, sir!” Said Columbo


“Sounds like it’s drug-related,Lewis” said Morse


Hi,it’s been a long time since my last WordPress.(Sept 2013)

This is a quick blog about #TwitterAtheists & to say I admire quite a lot of them.The following names are from a ‘of-the-top-of-my-head’ list of Favourites (‘coz if I ever put a comprehensive one together ,it would reach 40+ quite easily) & contains

– @Buybulljournal (Ex IronAtheist #CanadianAtheistsareAwesome) (#1Welsh Atheist,IMO) (From Ohio & a brilliant Atheist Advocate) @JaclynGlenn (Excellent Youtube vids & ‘Amazing Science’ singer) (athEIst,not athIEst) (Ray Comforts nemesis) (<- Impressive musicians) & others at Atheist Experience ,also @Slaythedragon75 & his excellent book (Yet to read their books) atheist (For bringing atheists/freethinkers together) All the #ASH crew,plus & (Atheist monument defenders) & (YouTube Legend)

Those who know of them would have to admit "that's a pretty amazing bunch!"…. & i could go on & on naming more… for example
They Tweet on a wide variety of topics in which atheism,skepticism,evolution,astronomy,humour,a lot of swearing & Future Tech play a part (All use Twitter excellently with Photos,links &\or vids) & all make you think about god,the bible/so called 'holy' books & religions in a way that does mean from a logical & reasonable understanding of the evidence presented that the Biblical/Koranic god doesn't exist outside of the deluded brains of those indoctrinated into their parents\peers 'Faith' ,that Evolution is a fact & true & the bible is myth,hearsay & ultimately a massive con,(Also Creationists are misleaders,whether they know it or not!) & our Universe is a vast,beautiful,scary,fantastic place to be.
Plus Humanity shouldn't continue to be diminished by the outdated concepts of a time in Human history that we should (With hindsight) be slightly ashamed of.
Also,from their Tweets,I get a feeling that we should value the one life we have & with all that's going on in Science & technology,-be happy at being curious here at this time & not be trapped into thinking morbidly about an AfterLife & that God is the answer.(with No more questions please!)

Still,I shake my head at knowing that we still have Laws made by unenlightened 'Godly' men that allow 1-the stoning & execution of people for blasphemy or adultery,2-magic rituals(Like the Catholic Mass),3-sacrifices (Eg-Tithes or chickens),4-Circumcision & Female genital mutilation & 5-denying women equal rights-& all this continues today mainly because of Religion infecting Humans around the World.

Nevertheless,I'm very happy that the above #TwitterAtheists are continuing in holding/defending their correct positions against the vast numbers of TwitterTheists still brainwashed by Pastors,Vicars,Ministers,,Fathers,Gurus,Imams & Rabbis & those minions(K. Cameron) of celeb #Theists ,who are trying to hold back the tide of progress to a better Secular World by spouting lies (God is Love being one of many),false theories (Noah & the flood) & bullsh*t!(Jesus walked on water)


Those named at the top are in the Vanguard of Godlessness,who don't remain silent whenever the SkyDaddy is mentioned.
We are very much in the time of the Vocal Atheist.

On Twitter {As Athe1stp0wer}  i welcome & discover more & more Godless everyday…
The more people we have,the stronger our voice will become & someday ,Secular Humanism will prevail.